文章來源: http://www.cantoneseculture.com/page_TalkCantoneseDialect/page00028.aspx
Hangyodon <ハンギョドン>

Hangyodon is my favorite character in Sanrio but I don't know much about this guy.
What is Hangyodon? A merman?? A lake monster?? I found some information of him. Just a little bit......
"This little fellow is good at acting the comedian. But underneath he is actually a sensitive and lonely little guy. Dreams of being a hero, but things never seem to go according to plan!"

Date of Birth: 14 March
Place of Birth: China (?)
I assume that Hangyodon was born in Scotland...... lol

對於我來說,本人拜神的年資甚淺。雖然還未至於極度迷信... 但身為一個煩惱的都市人,求神問卜在所難免! 究竟入廟有什麼事項我一直沒注意到的呢?
入廟忌腳踏門檻這個傳統禮節,其實在很多地方也有,是共通的禁忌,放諸四海皆適宜。如台灣、泰國、印度...... 每處地方都有不同解說。
台灣人稱切忌腳踏門檻,因為門檻俗稱戶定,「戶」即台語俗謂「門神戶尉」,代表很有尊嚴的神, 所以同樣不可踩!聽說內蒙古也有這樣的禁忌,如果不小心誤踏可汗宮帳的門檻可是會被處死的。
雖然各解釋不同, 但是意思是一樣吧!另外關於新娘出嫁時,要把腳高高抬跨過去,絕對不可以踩到門檻,否則會被夫家嫌棄,也是對神明的不敬。
「入鄉隨俗」~ 到哪個地方就要順從該地方的風俗。語見宋.釋惟白《續傳燈錄.卷七》。
找到對等的英語成語甚為有趣 : "do in Rome as the Romans do" 此成語指人在羅馬時,應按羅馬人的做法。
後來被人當作成語之用。此句亦可寫成 "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
Apple Crumble

A simple but mouth-watering recipe, which can be served with Vanilla ice-cream, thick cream or custard.
For the apple filling :
- Green Apples ....... 5 - 6 pcs
- Brown sugar ........ 70 g
- Butter ................ 50 g
- Ground cinnamon ... 1 pinch
For the crumble :
- Butter ................ 25 g
- Brown sugar ......... 25 g
- Flour .................. 50 g
How to...
1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Peeled, cored and slice into large pieces.

Homemade Yogurt

Why Make Yogurt at Home?
Homemade yogurt can be a simple, money-saving, environmentally friendly addition to a weekly routine.
Another reason is, yogurt will taste slightly different as it involves selecting from the infinite possibilities of milk, bacteria and time.To create your favorite yogurt. You'll enjoy experimenting to determine your favorite recipe.
The best way to enjoy these health benefits is to make yogurt yourself with fresh milk. Even if you don't wish to make your own yogurt, try your best to search for ones with the fewest ingredients.
- Fresh Whole Milk ...... 1 L
(Whole milk makes richer flavored yogurt, skim milk makes it non-fat, or you can try the goat milk to make the goat milk yogurt.) - Plant Yogurt (this will be your starter) ...... 1 cup
(The package must indicate "live cultures" and the yogurt has to be reasonably fresh for those cultures to remain live or the process will not work. Chose the yogurt which claims 4-6 "active cultures" including L. Acidophilus, Bifidus, L. Casei and L. Reuteri...) - Powdered Milk ...... 1/2 cup
(Creates thicker yogurt that takes less time to ferment.)
About Yogurt...
The live bacteria in the yogurt are good for your body, because the healthy bacteria in the yogurt prevent harmful bacteria from taking hold after the antibiotics kill off the body's normal healthy bacteria. Yogurt has been found to be very healthy for the colon and even reduce the risks of colon cancer. In addition, it contains good amounts of high calcium content, protein and B vitamins.
It is important to note that these benefits of yogurt have been offset in the American market where yogurt has become tainted with unhealthy ingredients. While many of the yogurts bought from the grocery store have the live bacteria, they also contain many other ingredients that are not good for you. Better to avoid "Lite" and "Fat Free" yogurt. These titles are a misnomer because true yogurt, even with its fat, is perfectly healthy. The artificial sweeteners, sugar, artificial coloring, fillers and other chemicals placed in these store-bought brands are simply not healthy. They add calories and sugar at a minimum. "Heat treated" yogurts have killed off the good bacteria and should be avoided all together. Simply put, yogurt should have only two ingredients: milk and live cultures.
Homemade Cherry Compote

(In Eastern Europe - Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Lithuania, etc. "Compote" has a slightly different meaning. It is used to describe a light refreshing drink most often made of dried fruit boiled in water with some sugar and left to cool and infuse.)

- Black cherries ............. 500 g
- Water ........................... 2/3 cup
- Light brown sugar ...... 125 g
- Fresh lemon juice ........ 3 tbps
- Rum ............................... 3 tbps
- Cinnamon stick ............ 2 inch
- Vanilla bean .................. 3 inch
- Lemon peel ................... a pitch

- In heavy medium saucepan, bring water, light brown sugar, lemon juice and a pitch of lemon peel to a boil.
- Scrape seeds from vanilla bean into saucepan; add bean and cinnamon stick. Return to a boil over high heat.
- Add cherries and rum, reduce heat to medium-low.
- Boil until thin syrup forms, about 7 - 10 minutes . At this point, if you would like to keep your cherries whole and lovely as they are, stop cooking it and you’re done.
- I ended up simmer about 5 minutes more, until the cherries were tender, slightly more broken down, but quite far from a jam.
- Remove the cinnamon stick and vanilla bean pieces from the compote.
- Cool the compote, then cover until cold.

Almost any type of fruit and flavorings (juice, spices, herbs) can be used to make compote.
Stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator, the compote should last up to two months.
Cherry juice can be used to relieve the pain and inflammation of arthritis, gout, muscle pain, back pain...
Cherries contain anti-inflammatory anthocyanins. These powerful antioxidants, anthocyanins, found in cherries, give them their rich red color and are believed to help relieve inflammation in the body.
These same anthocyanins are also found in blueberries and other purplish-red fruits and vegetables and they may also offer some protection from colon cancer, heart attack and stroke.
Gout is caused by increased levels of uric acid in the blood and cherry juice works by lowering these levels. The anti-inflammatory properties of cherry juice helps relieve the symptoms of chronic arthritis.
A recent study suggests that cherry juice, taken before strenuous exercise and immediately afterward, can alleviate muscle pain. Try drinking cherry juice before and after exercise.
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